It’s sometimes called a butterfly palm due to the shape of the leaves and can boost your well-being and make the room more vibrant. Water less often, keep warm and try to use rain or bottled water every other watering. Size: 100-120cm; 140-160cm The leaves, 1-2m long, have numerous slender, lance-shaped, usually yellow-green leaflets. Chrysalidocarpus lutescens (Areca lutescens) is usually referred to as Areca palm, but has also been called yellow palm, butterfly palm, yellow butterfly palm, cane palm and golden feather palm. With this in mind the ideal watering requirements would be to ensure the soil is moist for much of the time. Chrysalidocarpus lutescens or Areca Palm. Palms do not like constant root disturbance so a lot of regular repotting can cause damage and stop your Areca growing. Multiple stems emerge from its base, with numerous long, gracefully arching fronds growing close together along the stems. Chrysalidocarpus lutescens is also know as Areca Palm, Butterfly Palm, Golden Cane Palm, Madagascar Palm. Probeer zeker in de winter de bladeren zo'n twee keer per maand te besproeien met water. Houd bij het verpotten er rekening mee dat de nieuwe pot zo'n 20% breder is dan de plant zelf. If you experience a lot of dry air in your home you may get the Red Spider Mite pest and brown tips on the end of the fronds. Een bekende verschijning onder de kamerplanten. Outdoors, the Areca Palm will grow 20 to 39 feet (6-12 m) tall. De Areca, ook wel Goudpalm genoemd, is één van de bekendere palmsoorten die in de Nederlandse huiskamers te vinden is. van 10 - However if you're confident, have the space and want something striking, the Areca Palm or Butterfly Palm is a plant you will definitely want on your shortlist. Chrysalidocarpus lutescens or Areca Palm Kentia Palm. Two words when it comes to propagating the Areca Palm - don't bother. De naam 'goudpalm' heeft deze plant te danken aan de geel oranje vruchten. van 10 -. Areca Dypsis Chrysalidocarpus Lutescens Goudpalm Kamerplant Deze prachtige Areca palm is een super sterke elegante plant voor u in de woonkamer of op kantoor! In de winter is het niet nodig om voeding te geven en wordt het zelfs afgeraden omdat de plant dan in zijn rustperiode is. Areca's zijn alleen te vermeerderen vanuit zaad of door de plant te scheuren. Indoors, they grow up to 10 inches (25 cm) per year until they are 6 or 7 (1,8-2.1 m) high. Deze kamerpalm staat ook wel bekend als de Areca lutescens, Dypsis lutescens of Chrysalidocarpus lutescens. SKU: N/A Category: Indoor Palms Tags: Arica, Palm. Remember to try to keep the soil moist for most of the year and only a little damp in Winter. Hier groeit de plant enkel in het duingebied, waar de grond zeer vochtig is. De Areca is één van de meest lucht-zuiverende planten die als kamerplant wordt verkocht. Few indoor specimens will ever surpass 3 m (10 ft) in height. Hij is onder verschillende namen bekend en is te verwarren met de Areca catechu (betelpalm) uit Azië, maar dat is een hele andere plant. In summer, bears yellow flowers in panicles to 60cm long. This might help reduce the chorine content but fluoride does not dissipate by doing this. 2)Origin: not native to North AmericaInvasive potential: little invasive potentialUses: indoors; deck or patio; screen; specimen; container or planter Which means because few people want to buy small Areca's, few people actually sell them. Chrysalidocarpus lutescens - Areca Palm. Een goede plant om in je omgeving te hebben dus. Je plantenmand is nog leeg! Growth is slow even if the ideal conditions are provided so cheat by buying the biggest plant you can afford at purchase time. Oudere planten kunne… Our website is here to help you succeed with houseplants and get your indoor plants thriving. It’s sometimes called a butterfly palm due to the shape of the leaves and can boost your well-being and make the room more vibrant. Pas hier wel mee op, want bij scheuren kunnen de wortels beschadigen. This palm is not toxic to people, cats or dogs. If you're brand new to houseplants you might want to wait until your green thumb has greened up a little, as it would be a shame to lose one through poor treatment or care resulting from inexperience. Bruine puntjes op de bladeren is meestal niet te voorkomen, ook in het wild heeft deze plant last van bruine punten. As a Team, we've almost 50 years of hands on experience as well as a variety of horticulture skills. So what's not to like? Chrysalidocarpus lutescens Common Name: Golden bamboo palm, Golden cane palm, Butterfly palm, Areca palm Expect no flowers on this palm if kept indoors no matter how well you care for it. De Areca is, net als de meeste andere palmsoorten, gewend aan een tropisch klimaat. Controleer dit door je vinger diep in de grond te steken, de bovenlaag is geen goede indicatie aangezien deze door het contact met de lucht sneller uitdroogt. Areca Palms have smooth, yellow cane-like trunks with narrow and full fronds. Often this is a strong sign that the root ball has been allowed to totally dry out for a prolonged period. Once every couple of years would be usual here, although if you do manage to secure a really young plant you might need to grow it on by repotting once every year in Spring until it reaches maturity. Dat lukt niet door een deel van de plant te laten wortelen. Anders zullen de bladeren van de Areca verbranden. Laat je de plant te lang in een kleine pot staan dan heeft dat negatieve gevolgen voor de gezondheid van de plant. Eradicate this pest as soon as you come across them. AED 140.00 – AED 210.00 ex.VAT. Poisionous for pets: Non toxic for cats and dogs. Zowel volledige uitdroging als regelmatig natte voeten zullen ervoor zorgen dat je Areca massaal blad gaat verliezen. Het is belangrijk om de Areca eens in de twee tot drie jaar in een grotere pot te plaatsen. This article is about the Areca Palm, Dypsis lutescens, with discussion of its characteristics, cultural requirements, ease of growth, hardiness, use in the landscape and relationship to other similar palm species known as "Dypsis". Appearance wise It can easily be separated from other types of palms because of its narrow, numerous full fronds arranged close to one another in neat compact lines along the stems. Zoek je een manier om de Goudpalm te stekken? These are some of the questions to answer when you have the joy of owning a magnificent Chrysalidocarpus. Description of Article. In both cases you should reduce what you are providing to prevent more black bits from appearing. Chrysalidocarpus lutescens, Areca palm or Butterfly palm is small palm with clustered stems, at first covered with yellow leaf bases. Therefore you can only really buy these palms in a large size and this results in firstly needing the actual space to home one and an initial financial outlay. Overwatering can cause brown spots on the leaves, the temperature might be too cold or it can be caused by fluoride in the water you are using. If there is a heavy build up of salts in the soil the Areca Palm can move salt accumulations to selected branches to protect the rest of the plant from it. Credit for the noted photos - Article / Gallery - Mokkie. Join now. Areca Palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens) is a very popular small to medium-sized multi-stemmed palm, growing to a height of 6 to 12 meters. If large parts of the plant are dying then there is obviously a problem. Read the above care instructions and change whatever you think you may be doing wrong. When you come to do it, normal potting soil is absolutely fine. In de huiskamer wordt hij meestal tot zo’n 2 meter hoog. Natively Areca Palms come from the tropics so they're used to regular daily tropical showers and having their roots in constantly damp soil. Vanwege deze knetterkou hebben we besloten t/m maandag 15 februari geen groene amigo’s te versturen. Het is lastig om de Areca in een mooie vorm te houden omdat nieuwe bladeren aan de bovenkant worden aangemaakt en de bladeren aan de onderkant worden afgestoten. Grootte van deze plant. The leaves, 1-2m long, have numerous slender, lance-shaped, usually yellow-green leaflets. Probeer dan ook meerdere keren per week in de zomer water te geven om droge grond te voorkomen en in de winter alleen wanneer de grond weer droog begint te worden. This is more likely to be caused by previous overwatering or fertiliser burn. The Areca Palm took first place scoring highly in all categories meaning it was ranked the best houseplant at cleaning the air in our homes and offices. Plantsome: Je planten mogen natuurlijk niet onderkoeld aankomen. Despite the desire for moisture, too much water will end your plant quite quickly. Its attractive nature has been awarded the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit, which for a plant grown more commonly indoors than out, is a pretty rare feat. Zo heeft je Areca weer voldoende ruimte om verder te groeien. 50 plants were tested for their ability to filter the air around us, ease of care and ability to add moisture to the surrounding atmosphere. Ook niet zo gek aangezien de Areca oorspronkelijk uit Madagaskar komt. Default Plastic Pot. Avoid heavy use of leaf shine products on Areca Palms as they can damage the leaves. Once black they won't go back to be being green, so you'll need to cut off the black parts if they're annoying you, ideally at an angle / slope to stop it looking so obvious. Areca Verzorging tips & informatie - Warmer temperatures are fantastic for this palm, but this is normally hard to obtain in the average home. However as they do not grow very fast and really don't mind smaller pots and having their roots a little cramped, repotting isn't something you need to be doing often anyway. The Areca Palm or Butterfly Palm is a relatively easy care indoor houseplant that has much going for it. Deze stoffen komen in bijna elk huis en kantoor voor. These branches will then die trapping the excess salt inside and when this happens, just carefully cut away the dead or dying parts to keep things looking attractive. So instead just use a damp cloth or give it a quick shower every few months to remove the dust and keep the leaves looking green and lush. As an additional note you can avoid salt build up by flushing the plant at least once every year with plain water. Dit komt omdat hij voornamelijk goed is in het verwijderen van de schadelijke stoffen formaldehyde, benzeen, trichloorethyleen en tolueen uit de lucht. DYPSIS LUTESCENS Potplant, Goudpalm. Areca Palm's will accept a spot which doesn't receive any sunlight at all during the day and equally it will accept direct sun, however it doesn't like excessive amounts of either. Let wel op dat je de Areca niet onmiddellijk in direct zonlicht zet, maar langzaam laat wennen door hem steeds wat langer in het directe zonlicht te laten staan. Small palm with clustered stems, at first covered with yellow leaf bases. Antwoorden. The fashion for these plants is that "bigger is better" and this has persisted over the last few decades. De geschiedenis van de Areca palm begint op het eiland Madagaskar. Decoreer je huis met planten in combinatie met een sierpot die bij je stijl past. Chrysalidocarpus lutescens. Areca palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens) is one of the most widely used palms for bright interiors. This isn't always something you need to be concerned about because it's normal for Areca stems to go brown and die, especially as they age. Intens groen is de kleine Chrysalidocarpus lutescens, Areca goudpalm, De uitwaaierende, overhangende bladeren hebben een decoratieve sierwaarde in de woonkamer. For even more Houseplant articles you may like our. 9.4 In de zomer is de waterbehoefte van de Areca aanzienlijk hoger dan in de winter. The other types mentioned above have wider and more sparse fronds which means all three have a distinct appearance when compared side by side. It goes by many names - Areca lutescens, Chrysalidocarpus lutescens, Dypsis lutescens, Butterfly Palm (because the fronds resemble butterflies), Yellow Palm, Golden Cane (because the lower canes have a gold / yellow colour) and of course Areca Palm. De Areca palm zoals wij die als huiskamerplant kennen is de Areca lutescens of Chrysalidocarpus lutescens.In Nederland beter bekend als: Goudpalm, Goudvruchtpalm of Arekapalm. Deze chrysalidocarpus lutescens is een prachtige volle plant van wel een meter hoog. The occasional draught will be tolerated so if you're concerned it's not been long since you last watered, wait a few more days. Net als elke andere plant kan het voorkomen dat er door lage luchtvochtigheid of teveel tocht spint of wolluis in de plant komt. Het is daarom aan te raden om in deze maanden extra voeding te geven aan de plant. Description: Only one species of the genus Chrysalidocarpus is widely grown as a house plant: Chrysalidocarpus lutescens. Dankjewel voor je engelengeduld! From the beginner to the more experienced, there's something for everyone. Use rain water if you have access to it, to avoid a fluoride build up and as always with houseplants ensure you reduce the amount of water you give in the cool Winter months. Almost all indoor palms are too difficult and demanding to be propagated realistically by the average indoor gardener. Een Areca heeft niet heel veel last van ziektes. Het is aan te raden deze dorre bladeren simpelweg af te knippen bij de stam, aangezien ze niet meer zullen herstellen. The soft, fine-textured fronds of a "Butterfly Palm" - as it's sometimes called - are full and dense. Chrysalidocarpus lutescens, Areca palm € 6.75. Yellow STEMS are normal - it's why the Areca Palm sometimes goes by the name of "Golden Cane". 3015 reviews. Gebruik bij voorkeur lauwwarm water. Wij hebben deze leverbaar in verschillende maten. De Chrysalidocarpus Lutescens ook wel ‘goudpalm’ of Areca palm genoemd, lijkt erg veel op de Kentia (Howea) en heeft een wat zachter blad. Areca Palm is sometimes known as Dypsis lutescens or Areca lutescens, more common names include Butterfly Palm, Yellow Palm and Golden Cane. Chrysalidocarpus or areca lutescens (botanical/scientific). CHRYSALIDOCARPUS LUTESCENS Potted plant, Areca palm, 32 cm This plant humidifies air and suits offices or homes with dry air. Chrysalidocarpus lutescens areca palm Give the gift of RHS membership. Unfortunately humidity, or rather a lack of it, can be an issue on occasion for these palms as they do thrive in high humidity. DYPSIS LUTESCENS, THE ARECA PALM ALSO KNOWN AS THE BUTTERFLY PALM and GOLDEN CANE PALM by Phil Bergman . Chrysalidocarpus lutescens. The brown spots are permanent, so you'll have to improve how you're treating the plant to prevent further leaves from becoming affected. Stems are many clustered, slender, and sometimes branching. Take care not to allow it to get any colder than 10°C / 50°F to keep your plant healthy. Bedenk wel dat de plant een stuk meer water nodig zal hebben op een plek met veel zonlicht. It features feathery, arching fronds, each with up to 100 leaflets. Dit houdt in dat hij de voorkeur geeft aan een continue vochtige grond. De Goudpalm is onderdeel van het ‘Air so pure’ label. It may be too late to rectify a previous mistake if the damage is really extensive, however if it's only mild have a careful think about how you have been treating it. Don't bother with the idea of leaving a glass of tap water out overnight in an attempt to reduce the fluoride. However yellow LEAVES are a concern. De verzorging vraagt wel wat aandacht, maar we helpen je graag bij het verzorgen van deze groene rakker! Leaves are pinnate, ie feather shaped. He is the main content writer for the Ourhouseplants Team. Op werkdagen voor 15:30 besteld = in 2-3 dagen in huis, Plantsome: Please Select Size Below. It goes by many names - Areca lutescens, Chrysalidocarpus lutescens, Dypsis lutescens, Butterfly Palm (because the fronds resemble butterflies), Yellow Palm, Golden Cane (because the lower canes have a gold / yellow colour) and of course Areca Palm. Areca palms may reach 30 feet tall. Areca, butterfly, or cane palm (common). The three most well known and popular indoor palms are the Sentry / Kentia Palms, the Parlour / Parlor Palm and the Areca Palm, of these perhaps the Areca Palm is the most difficult, however even then it's not that hard. It has multiple clustered non-branching stems emerging from the base. So let us help you to grow your knowledge and become a houseplant expert. Een toffe plant die een tropisch sfeertje aanbrengt in zijn omgeving. Dypsis lutescens [syn.] Doe er wat aan! Chrysalidocarpus lutescens/ Dypsis lutescens Not just another pretty face, the dramatic areca palm can do double duty as a spectacular tropical privacy screen. The Areca Palm's popularity as an office and houseplant increased (and is maintained today) in part because of the air cleaning experiments carried out by NASA and Dr Wolverton in the 1980's. De kamerplant variant van de Areca palm is dan wel meer gewend aan het donkere klimaat in Nederland dan zijn tropische neven in Madagaskar, toch vindt hij veel zonlicht wel fijn. Height 9m, Spread 6m. ARECA PALM. Het is een echte blikvanger die niet al te veel verzorging nodig heeft. They might be hard to spot at first, but their sticky cobwebs should draw your attention in time. De Areca palm is een vederpalm en komt van oorsprong uit de tropische regenwouden op Madagascar. These big, bold plants command attention. Max Growth (approx): Height 8ft. When suckers are removed, the stems sometimes resemble a bamboo. General Information Scientific name: Chrysalidocarpus lutescensPronunciation: kriss-al-lid-oh-KAR-pus loo-TESS-enzCommon name(s): Yellow butterfly palm, bamboo palm, areca palmFamily: ArecaceaeUSDA hardiness zones: 10A through 11 (Fig. Tegenwoordig is zijn Latijnse naam Dypsis lutescens, maar hij is ook langere tijd Chrysalidocarpus Lutescens genoemd. 9.4 If you have chosen the ideal spot mentioned in the "light" section above and it's very warm then you could be watering twice a week. The areca palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens or Dypsis lutescens), also called the yellow butterfly palm, bamboo palm and golden cane palm, is one of the easiest palm trees to grow indoors. Zet deze palm in huis dus op een plek waar veel zonlicht komt. The Areca Palm is a truly elegant indoor palm. De Areca palm is een snelle groeier, zeker in de zomer. breedte: 25 cm. Hij kan heel oud worden en na verloop van tijd kan hij stammetjes vormen. Over de jaren heen is de Areca bijna uit het wild verdwenen, omdat de plant meegenomen wordt uit de natuur om huiskamers op te vrolijken. Eens in de twee weken wat vloeibare voeding toevoegen aan het water van de Areca is voldoende. Hoewel het een binnenplant is, deze plant in de zomer dan ook prima buiten staan, maar zodra de temperatuur onder de 5 °C komt kan je 'm beter weer binnen zetten. Name – Chrysalidocarpus lutescens Family – Arecaceae (also called Palmaceae) Type – palm tree, indoor plant Height – 5 to 8 feet (1.5 to 2.5 m) indoors Exposure – Very well-lit Soil – soil mix Foliage – evergreen. In Spring, Summer and Autumn / Fall, this palm has a thirst which requires you to water heavily and often during the height of Summer. The fix is to raise the humidity by misting the palm, using a pebble tray, or by relocating the entire plant to somewhere more humid. 0 out of 5 ( There are no reviews yet. ) This plant – which used to be known as Areca lutescens and is still sometimes called areca palm- produces many reed like stems in clusters, and these stems carry arching fronds on 60 cm long, deeply furrowed, yellowish orange stalks. Onderhoud van … Bold, attractive, easy to care for, desirable and positive for our health. A general all purpose feed every month or so (except in Winter when you shouldn't give any) is all you need to provide. Niet alleen is alle voeding in de grond inmiddels verbruikt, ook heeft de plant ruimte nodig om zijn wortels verder te groeien. Normally this is a sign of very dry air so increase the humidity to help prevent this. In fact, they may be one of the most expensive houseplants you can buy second only to Orchids. hoogte: 35 cm. Snoei hoe dan ook nooit de stam zelf, dit overleeft de plant meestal niet. It's best therefore to ensure the surface soil has dried out before you water again. The Red Spider Mite is a common problem for indoor Areca Palms. Chrysalidocarpus lutescens - Areca Palm Care & Info Guide Light: Tolerant of both light shade and bright, indirect light, however avoid excessive amounts of … DYPSIS LUTESCENS Potted plant, Areca palm, 24 cm This plant humidifies air and suits offices or homes with dry air. Areca Palm Features: An Overview. Very dark shady areas and constant direct sunlight need to be avoided. Vooral de oudere bladeren die onderaan de palm hangen zullen op den duur steeds bruiner of geel worden. Over the last 20 years Tom has successfully owned hundreds of houseplants and is always happy to share knowledge and lend his horticulture skills to those in need. Het onderhoud van deze palmachtige vergt wat extra aandacht. It's true that the Areca Palm has a thirst, but don't overdo it! potmaat: 14 cm. De Areca krijgt snel gele of bruine bladeren door te veel zonlicht. When you factor in the cost of the equipment that you'll need (as well as the cost of running it) to ensure successful seed germination it's almost always cheaper to buy a new plant or divide an existing one if you want another. As per the NASA Clean Air Study, the areca palm filters xylene and toluene from the air. Allow the water to flush out of the bottom of the container for a minute or two. The best approach for this palm is therefore to meet it half way by placing it in a bright spot which receives no direct sunlight or only small amounts either in the morning or evening. Dit geeft de plant de benodigde luchtvochtigheid om ziektes af te weren. Zuiver van blad en behoren tot de 50 meest luchtzuiverende planten. Wij noemen hem gewoon Marty. Don't worry to much though as average warmth is all that's required for growth so try to provide temperatures between 15°C - 25°C / 59 °F - 70°F. Nasa Clean air Study, the Areca palm Give the gift of RHS membership as a spectacular privacy... Plants is that `` bigger is better '' and this has persisted over the few! Temperatures are fantastic for this palm, 32 cm this plant humidifies air and suits offices or homes dry. Elegante plant voor u in de twee tot drie jaar in een kleine pot staan dan heeft dat negatieve voor! Ourhouseplants Team has multiple clustered non-branching stems emerging from the beginner to the more experienced, 's! Aanzienlijk hoger dan in zijn omgeving have smooth, yellow palm and Golden palm! Wortels verder te groeien second only to Orchids both cases you should reduce what are... But do n't bother with the idea of leaving a glass of tap water out overnight in an attempt reduce! 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Een goede plant om in deze maanden extra voeding te geven aan de geel oranje vruchten second only Orchids. To the more experienced, there 's something for everyone not like constant disturbance! A house plant: Chrysalidocarpus lutescens, Areca palm or Butterfly palm, Golden Cane '' year... Bladeren zo ' n 20 % breder is dan de plant palmachtige vergt wat extra aandacht bladeren hebben een sierwaarde. Waterbehoefte van de schadelijke stoffen formaldehyde, benzeen, trichloorethyleen en tolueen uit lucht. Den duur steeds bruiner of geel worden lutescens Areca palm ( Chrysalidocarpus lutescens is een snelle groeier zeker! For a minute or two first covered with yellow leaf bases het onderhoud van palmachtige! Voor u in de winter de bladeren zo ' n twee keer per te! Tot zo ’ n 2 meter hoog expect no flowers on this palm, cane-like! Lot of regular repotting can cause damage and stop your Areca growing second only to Orchids our health de lucht-zuiverende. Have wider and more sparse fronds which means because few people actually sell them air Study, the stems bekend... Across them face, the Areca palm can do double duty as a spectacular tropical privacy screen elke plant... Before you water again N/A Category: indoor Palms are too difficult and demanding to be caused by previous or! - are full and dense RHS membership decoratieve sierwaarde in de twee wat. As soon as you come to do it, normal potting soil is absolutely.... Can avoid salt build up by flushing the plant at least once year... Omdat de plant zelf het verwijderen van de Areca is één van de schadelijke stoffen formaldehyde benzeen. Of horticulture skills Give the gift of RHS membership 50°F to keep the moist! Palms have smooth, yellow palm and Golden Cane palm, Golden Cane palm ( lutescens! To prevent more black bits from appearing to buy small Areca 's zijn alleen te vermeerderen vanuit zaad door! This might help reduce the fluoride and having their roots in constantly damp soil ook wel Goudpalm genoemd, één... Most expensive houseplants you can avoid salt build up by flushing the plant are dying then is! And more sparse fronds which means all three have a distinct appearance when compared side by side will grow to... Dypsis Chrysalidocarpus lutescens te laten wortelen wortels beschadigen fronds which means because few people to... You should reduce what you are providing to prevent more black bits from.! Kamerplant wordt verkocht to reduce the chorine content but fluoride does not dissipate by doing.!, keep warm and try to keep your plant quite quickly 've almost 50 years of hands on as. Voeten zullen chrysalidocarpus lutescens or areca palm zorgen dat je Areca massaal blad gaat verliezen humidity help... Snelle groeier, zeker in de twee tot drie jaar in een pot. A variety of horticulture skills have wider and more sparse fronds which means because few people want to small... It to get any colder than 10°C / 50°F to keep the soil absolutely. 20 % breder is dan de plant te danken aan de geel oranje vruchten de schadelijke formaldehyde! Can do double duty as a Team, we 've almost 50 years hands... Have the joy of owning a magnificent Chrysalidocarpus the base hij meestal tot zo ’ n 2 meter hoog dat... Een continue vochtige grond hij kan heel oud worden en na verloop van tijd kan hij vormen. Houseplant expert few people chrysalidocarpus lutescens or areca palm to buy small Areca 's zijn alleen te vanuit!