GIC EMPLOYEE SPOTLIGHT – CRYSTAL CHAUMONT, OUTSIDE SALES SPECIALIST (SEATTLE, WA). O L ROCKWOOL Ltd 2 O L ROCKWOOL Ltd 3 Description ROCKWOOL Soffit Slab is manufactured using high performing, non-combustible stone wool insulation. DELTA® Marine Board Density &Installed Thickness U. S. Certificate Numbers Bulkhead Tested “A” Ratings 3A through 8A lb/ft³ Densities 164.109/5/0 N. A. GIC has distributorships and fabrication facilities across the US and NE Canada. The insulation provides excellent acoustic, thermal and fire performance and can be ordered to meet specialist requirements … Technical Data Sheet Board Insulation 15080* • Process Equipment Insulation 404223** Mineral Wool Board Insulation 07 21 13** ROCKWOOL FABROCK 30 is a non combustible, semi rigid, water repellent, stone woool insulation Maintaining roof surfaces is crucial for the protection of property, both in commercial and domestic settings. ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation is part of the ROCKWOOL Group and is offering advanced technical insulation solutions for the process industry as well as marine & offshore. Time management is critical and our supply-chain management enables us to source and supply wood frame construction products efficiently and on time. Using clear illustrations the Process Manual gives you a professional and valuable advice on the application of insulation in the Partnered with premier HVAC insulation manufacturers, General Insulation will review project needs to ensure all specifications are up to date and all systems are insulated according to industry standards. View product ROXUL SAFE™ 55 & 65 medium-density insulation products for … Sound Seal is a leading manufacturer of commercial and architectural acoustic noise control products and offers a wide product selection to the soundproofing industry. DeltaBoard is manufactured using high density extruded polystyrene which All rights reserved. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET MANUFACTURER: ROCK WOOL MANUFACTURING COMPANY ADDRESS: 203 Seventh Street N. E. (zip: 35094-1504) P.O. UL … We provide insulation that fits and assembles easily on the job site. These include insulating mechanical or utility rooms, or adding a barrier to noise and fire. The Process Manual is a practical reference book compiled by ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation. ",I="toLowerCase",b="crossOrigin",w="POST",e="appInsightsSDK",||"appInsights";(||T[e])&&(T[e]=t);var n=T[t]||function(d){var g=!1,f=!1,m={initialize:!0,queue:[],sv:"4",version:2,config:d};function v(e,t){var n={},a="Browser";return n[E+"id"]=a[I](),n[E+"type"]=a,n[""]=S&&S.pathname||"_unknown_",n["ai.internal.sdkVersion"]="javascript:snippet_"+(||m.version),{time:function(){var e=new Date;function t(e){var t=""+e;return 1===t.length&&(t="0"+t),t}return e.getUTCFullYear()+"-"+t(1+e.getUTCMonth())+"-"+t(e.getUTCDate())+"T"+t(e.getUTCHours())+":"+t(e.getUTCMinutes())+":"+t(e.getUTCSeconds())+"."+((e.getUTCMilliseconds()/1e3).toFixed(3)+"").slice(2,5)+"Z"}(),iKey:e,name:"Microsoft.ApplicationInsights."+e.replace(/-/g,"")+". Our Quality Assurance Program guarantees that all parts are fabricated to your specifications.” New paragraph “When you are in need of a custom insulation part for your marine equipment, General Insulation is ready to work. General Insulation Company understands the demanding requirements of the Commercial Sector. !function(T,l,y){var S=T.location,u="script",k="instrumentationKey",D="ingestionendpoint",C="disableExceptionTracking",E="ai.device. Rockroof Delta | Technische fiche Hellende daken pdf Add to Basket (0) Download (0) Downloads BIM Solution Finder Zoek producten en constructies op toepassing, prestatie of technische details. NAME OF PRODUCT AND COMPANY Product Stone wool insulation based on Rockwool 1000 Do you want to explore products and information relevant to your market. Safety Data Sheet Rockwool stone wool Rev. STAY WARM AND SAFE WITH OUR INSULATED SAFETY GLOVES! Need to keep warm? DELTA MARINE Board is manufactured in three (48 kg) through eight pounds (128 kg) per cubic foot (cubic meter) densities from mineral wool bonded together with a high temperature binder. The Simple Saver System is a high performance insulation and finishing system designed for roof and walls in low rise commercial buildings. These include insulating mechanical or utility rooms, or adding a barrier to noise and fire. We provide job-site managed inventory services enabling contractors to achieve their necessary productivities as well as facilitating a cleaner and safer environment. We have specialized equipment and staff necessary for the production of your specialized insulation part. Time management is critical and our supply-chain management enables us to source and supply building envelope products efficiently and on time. DELTA Mitered Fittings mineral wool incorporates an additive which makes the insulation water repellent*. Material Safety Data Sheet Material Name: Mineral Wool Insulation Page 5 of 7 Issue Date: April 1, 2007 Replaces Issue: July 13, 2005 … DELTA MARINE Board is thermally efficient, acoustically proficient, semi-rigid insulation designed for various marine applications such as insulating/fire protection for bulkheads, wall and ceiling assemblies, in addition to being suitable for ducts, mufflers, and exhaust stacks. General Insulation provides a wide variety of acoustical insulation from Sound Seal. An all round performer - ROCKWOOL RWA45 is a robust insulation solution for a range of general building projects as well as specialist specifications such as schools, hospitals, offshore platforms and ships. ROCKWOOL ROXUL SAFE™ is a lightweight, semi-rigid stone wool insulation that provides fire resistance and sound control. Comfort is our specialty. Available with a plain, foil or tissue facing which can provide up to 4 8024 Esquesing LineMilton, OntarioCanada L9T 6W3, Copyright © February 2017, ROCKWOOL International A/S. ROCKWOOL technical solution team on 01656 868490 or General Insulation is now your one stop shop for jobsite materials and all of your safety needs. *R-value is not required for application. GENERAL INSULATION HAS TEAMED UP WITH CARBOLINE! Easy on the eye. 1.3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet ROCKWOOL® Pencoed, Bridgend, CF35 6NY Tel: 01656 862621 Fax: 01656 862302 Email of person responsible: 1.4 Emergency telephone General Insulation’s partnership with top insulation manufacturers ensures the supply of high-quality insulation parts for your marine equipment. Sound Seal has been committed to controlling noise in every environment since 1978. Technical Data Sheet Board Insulation 07210* • Board Insulation 07 21 13** Acoustic Board Insulation 09 81 13** ROCKWOOL ROCKBOARD® 40 is a semi-rigid, multi-purpose mineral wool insulation board. We offer numerous items, including but not limited the items below. This rockwool is created by fusing together several types of minerals at high temperature and dispersing them into inorganic fibre by a centrifugal spinning process. ROCKWOOL ROXUL SAFE 45 is a semi-rigid stone wool insulation board ideal for fire stopping in concealed spaces of multi-unit residential buildings. Download ROCKWOOL documentation such as ROCKWOOL datasheets, brochures MSDS, price lists and certificates. further information, please refer to the ROCKWOOL Cavity Barrier data sheet). Partnered with premier building envelope manufacturers, General Insulation will review project needs to ensure all specifications are up to date and all systems are insulated according to industry standards. Our Quality Assurance Program guarantees that all parts are fabricated to your specifications. © 2020 General Insulation Company. ROCKWOOL COMFORTBOARD 80 is a rigid mineral wool insulation sheathing board that is non-combustible, water-repellent, fire-resistant and sound absorbent COMFORTBOARD™ 80 is an exterior non-structural insulation sheathing that provides a continuous layer of insulation around the commercial or residential … Partnered with premier wood frame insulation manufacturers, General Insulation will review project needs to ensure all specifications are up to date and all systems are insulated according to industry standards. ROCKBOARD ® is a premium multi-purpose board insulation to be used in walls, ceilings and floors for acoustic and thermal applications. Glasswool KIMMCO Self-Seal Thickness : Boards 0.4 -1.2 m (width), 1 m (length) Facing & Covering : FSK, Aluglass, Black Glass Fabric Application Fields : KIMMCO Self Seal is a self-adhering Glasswool board for thermal and acoustic insulation of HVAC ducts and similar applications, which completely eliminates the use of liquid … We can help! Thus ROCKWOOL stone wool provides the best guarantee for an effective fire protection on board ships and offshore platforms. Time management is critical and our supply-chain management enables us to source and supply HVAC insulation products efficiently and on time. STAY WARM THIS WINTER WITH GIC’S HI-VIS WINTER SAFETY GEAR! SAFETY DATA SHEET 200000002057 Mineral Wool Commercial and Industrial Insulation Version 3.2 Revision Date 05/06/2020 Print Date 05/06/2020 3 / 7 US/EN Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up : Pick up-to-date technical information please consult the technical data sheets available on General Insulation Featured in SMCA Magazine! Weatherization & Foam Insulation Product Catalog, NIA Certified Insulation Energy Appraisers & Audits. Learn more Marine & Offshore Insulation Acoustic What is sound? The Simple Saver fabric liner system uses a strong, low permeance vapor retarder to create the required space for designed insulation thickness between the structural members while isolating conductive secondary framing members from the inside conditioned air. DeltaBoard is a multi-purpose lightweight construction board, designed for the application of all tile types, cement based screeds and synthetic renders. Design by BBDS Design Please contact the ROCKWOOL Technical Innovations team at 1-800-265-6878 We offer numerous items, including but not limited the items below. Rock Wool Manufacturing Delta Marine Board DELTA MARINE Board is thermally efficient, acoustically proficient, semi-rigid mineral wool insulation designed for various marine applications such as insulating/fire protection for bulkheads, wall and ceiling assemblies, in addition to being suitable for ducts, mufflers, and exhaust … "+(r||"")}return e}(),c=s[k]||d[k]||"",p=s[D],l=p?p+"/v2/track":config.endpointUrl,(u=[]).push((n="SDK LOAD Failure: Failed to load Application Insights SDK script (See stack for details)",a=t,i=l,(o=(r=v(c,"Exception")).data).baseType="ExceptionData",o.baseData.exceptions=[{typeName:"SDKLoadFailed",message:n.replace(/\./g,"-"),hasFullStack:!1,stack:n+"\nSnippet failed to load ["+a+"] -- Telemetry is disabled\nHelp Link:\nHost: "+(S&&S.pathname||"_unknown_")+"\nEndpoint: "+i,parsedStack:[]}],r)),u.push(function(e,t,n,a){var i=v(c,"Message"),;r.baseType="MessageData";var o=r.baseData;return o.message='AI (Internal): 99 message:"'+("SDK LOAD Failure: Failed to load Application Insights SDK script (See stack for details) ("+n+")").replace(/\"/g,"")+'"',{endpoint:a},i}(0,0,t,l)),function(e,t){if(JSON){var n=T.fetch;if(n&&!y.useXhr)n(t,{method:w,body:JSON.stringify(e),mode:"cors"});else if(XMLHttpRequest){var a=new XMLHttpRequest;,t),a.setRequestHeader("Content-type","application/json"),a.send(JSON.stringify(e))}}}(u,l))}function i(e,t){f||setTimeout(function(){!t&&m.core||a()},500)}var e=function(){var n=l.createElement(u);n.src=h;var e=y[b];return!e&&""!==e||"undefined"==n[b]||(n[b]=e),n.onload=i,n.onerror=a,n.onreadystatechange=function(e,t){"loaded"!==n.readyState&&"complete"!==n.readyState||i(0,t)},n}();y.ld<0?l.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(e):setTimeout(function(){l.getElementsByTagName(u)[0].parentNode.appendChild(e)},y.ld||0)}try{m.cookie=l.cookie}catch(p){}function t(e){for(;e.length;)!function(t){m[t]=function(){var e=arguments;g||m.queue.push(function(){m[t].apply(m,e)})}}(e.pop())}var n="track",r="TrackPage",o="TrackEvent";t([n+"Event",n+"PageView",n+"Exception",n+"Trace",n+"DependencyData",n+"Metric",n+"PageViewPerformance","start"+r,"stop"+r,"start"+o,"stop"+o,"addTelemetryInitializer","setAuthenticatedUserContext","clearAuthenticatedUserContext","flush"]),m.SeverityLevel={Verbose:0,Information:1,Warning:2,Error:3,Critical:4};var s=(d.extensionConfig||{}).ApplicationInsightsAnalytics||{};if(!0!==d[C]&&!0!==s[C]){method="onerror",t(["_"+method]);var c=T[method];T[method]=function(e,t,n,a,i){var r=c&&c(e,t,n,a,i);return!0!==r&&m["_"+method]({message:e,url:t,lineNumber:n,columnNumber:a,error:i}),r},d.autoExceptionInstrumented=!0}return m}(y.cfg);(T[t]=n).queue&&0===n.queue.length&&n.trackPageView({})}(window,document,{src:"",crossOrigin:"anonymous",cfg:{instrumentationKey:"ae67b8ce-3849-4492-96a5-35d37da21feb"}}); ROCKBOARD® is a premium multi-purpose board insulation to be used in walls, ceilings and floors for acoustic and thermal applications. , ROCKWOOL International A/S tissue facing which can provide up to 4 Easy on the eye SAFETY GLOVES ROCKWOOL... 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